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Wales Market Update: November 2021


Published 19th Oct 21 - by rosiewatts

Top stories

Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales

WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on how to manage market pressures affecting the availability and affordability of building materials.

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Wales & West Utilities Supports Decarbonisation Cluster in North Wales

School Partner Wales & West Utilities is supporting the HyNet low carbon cluster project in its bid to unlock a low carbon economy in North West England and North Wales and is urging the UK Government to award it ‘Track 1’ status later this month.

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Why Addressing The Need For Green Skills in Wales is Imperative

Wyn Prichard, Chair of the Supply Chain Sustainability School in Wales discusses the Skills Council with Business Wales . Wyn explains how we must make sure that we keep the improvement in this area over the next few years and not let sustainability slip down the order of priorities.


November’s Featured Topic: Climate Change & Carbon

Climate change is the biggest issue of our times and the built environment is one of the major contributors to carbon emission. Reduction in carbon emissions have to occur if we are to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

We have a wealth of resources to help you gain a better understanding of Climate Change and Carbon – take a look:

Introduction to Climate Change and Carbon Footprinting Learning Pathway

This self-enrol learning pathway will provide you with not only the understanding of climate change, carbon emissions and how to identify were they occur, but also the skills to make reduction plans to tackle them and report on your progress to your stakeholders – clients, regulators and colleagues.

Enrol here >>

Decarbonising Construction: Building A New Net Zero Industry

This report from the National Engineering Policy Centre and the Royal Academy of Engineering focuses on four interconnected missions that cut across the whole of the construction sector that require urgent attention to achieve net zero.

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Climate Policy Tracker For Business

This tracker from the We Mean Business coalition provides businesses with up-to-date information on climate regulation; enabling you to build a comprehensive picture of the policies that are directly impacting your operations and value chains.

Get started >>

National Social Value Conference Wales

This National Social Value Conference is back this November (16th – 17th). This year’s theme will be “Leading the Movement”, encouraging businesses and communities across Wales to lead the way in the delivery of Social Value in Wales. Hear from David Emery, Sector Manager of the Supply Chain Sustainability School in Wales at the conference.

To find out more and to register click here.